
How to be at PEACE with yourself


Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.

The pursuit of inner peace is a question frequently posed, yet seldom met with a satisfying answer. Various perspectives suggest that peace of mind stems from security, decluttering life to find tranquility, or embracing acceptance and letting go. However, I believe it's rooted in one's actions.

Allow me to introduce myself. I've battled addiction for years, grappling with alcoholism since my teenage years. Much of my life was spent on the fringes of society.

At the age of twenty-one, I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, compounding the challenges posed by alcoholism. Borderline personality disorder involves an unstable sense of self, making daily life immensely challenging.

My mind was often clouded by fear and tension. My addiction and BPD pushed me into undertaking irrational actions. Merging a person battling alcoholism with one contending with personality disorder isn't conducive to a desirable life.

Throughout my twenties, I struggled to escape one catastrophe only to land in another, engaging in disgraceful behaviors—concealing truths, deceiving others, and inflicting pain on both myself and those around me. Hours were spent in a cycle of misery and remorse, feeling sorry for myself and anyone unfortunate enough to cross my path.

Beneath the chaos, my core remained genuinely compassionate. Despite my mental battles, I aimed to remain a good person and displayed remarkable empathy. I readily assisted others when they encountered problems.

Nonetheless, my mind was a tumultuous place, unfit for leisurely pursuits, let alone peaceful contemplation. Amidst the harm I inflicted on others, I harmed myself the most, subjecting myself to actions that would later fill me with guilt and shame.

Finally, after a decade of turmoil, I received appropriate treatment and attained sobriety. In the early stages of recovery, the concept of serenity and peace of mind remained elusive.

Guidance from a counselor advised me to be patient. Alcohol services recommended following a program. "Spiritual mentors" encouraged meditation. Yet, practical answers to achieving my sought-after goals of peace and self-esteem remained elusive.

Surprisingly, the solution was straightforward: crafting your state of mind through actions and reinforcing it through self-affirmations.

Consistently acting with integrity grants me a sense of inner peace. While circumstances are fluid and life occasionally tests us, maintaining integrity offers the chance to rest with a clear conscience. Even amidst adversity, a serene sense of peace can be retained.

However, mastering this art takes practice, requiring unwavering integrity. Here are strategies to cultivate peace within:

1.Validate Yourself:

 Acknowledge your achievements and progress. In challenging moments, recognize your strengths. End each day by recounting your positive actions and preserved integrity.

2. Practice Patience

 Respond to others in a manner aligned with your chosen values, regardless of their behavior. Pause before reacting emotionally.

3.Know Your Ideal Self

List qualities you wish to cultivate—kindness, fairness, patience, and more. Define your responses to challenges and the principles you uphold.

4.Release Perfectionism

Embrace imperfection as part of your journey. Celebrate attempts to do right, even amid struggles.

5.Do the Next Right Thing

Consistently opt for the morally sound choice, building a habit of adhering to principles.

6. Make Immediate Amends

Correct any wrongdoings promptly to alleviate guilt and mend relationships.

7. Cultivate Positive Thinking

Overcome negativity by understanding, forgiving, and radiating compassion. Elevate your self-esteem while benefiting others.

8.Think Long Term

Foresee the consequences of your actions on your sense of self. Choose behaviors that contribute to lasting peace of mind.

In conclusion, the path to inner peace emerges from consistent actions that reflect your integrity. Amid life's fluctuations, this approach empowers you to cultivate enduring tranquility."

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